KUALA LUMPUR, 19 November 2018 – For the fourth series of UMW To You (U2U) segment, UMW Corporation Sdn. Bhd. organised a Back to School programme at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pos Tohoi, Gua Musang in Kelantan from 16 to 18 November. U2U is one of UMW’s CSR efforts which aims to provide assistance to the underprivileged community that have limited access due to geographical locations.

As part of the programme, 173 students from SK Pos Tohoi were provided with Back to School packs. Amongst the items distributed were school uniforms, school shoes, socks, backpacks and stationeries. Students residing at the hostel were also provided with other basic necessities like towels and blankets.

In view of the flood-prone location of SK Pos Tohoi, flood survival kits were handed to the school representative to be used during emergencies. The kit consists of First Aid Kit box, torchlight, blanket and canvas fly. To further prepare teachers and students of SK Pos Tohoi for emergencies and disasters, some of the trained UMW volunteers (UMW Community Champions) conducted the School Preparedness Programme (SPP). SPP is part of MERCY Malaysia’s on-going effort in building communities’ resilience, aiming to provide fundamental understanding on the concept and practice of disaster risk reduction for students and teachers.

About 20 UMW Community Champions participated in the Back to School programme which also included gotong-royong at the school. Additionally, a simple education and awareness session was conducted for the local villagers in case of emergency situations such as flood. Apart from getting the opportunity to give back to society, the volunteers gained valuable insights into the lives of communities in remote areas.

The volunteers and school items were transported in 4WD vehicles as the school location was not easily accessible by regular vehicles.

As an organization with a heritage stretching back more than 100 years, we remain indebted to our natural environment and to the communities in which we operate for supporting our continued success. The above programme is part of UMW’s CSR efforts encompassing three pillars, namely, community development, education and environment. It is in line with the Group’s sustainability strategy of nurturing the community and society.

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KUALA LUMPUR, 17 November 2018 – Bagi siri keempat UMW To You (U2U), UMW Corporation Sdn. Bhd. menganjurkan program Kembali Ke Sekolah di Sekolah Kebangsaan Pos Tohoi, Gua Musang di Kelantan dari 16 hingga 18 November. U2U adalah salah satu usaha CSR UMW yang bertujuan memberi bantuan kepada komuniti kurang mampu yang mempunyai akses terhad disebabkan oleh lokasi geografi.

Sebahagian daripada program ini, 173 pelajar dari SK Pos Tohoi disediakan dengan barangan Kembali ke Sekolah. Antara barangan yang diedarkan ialah pakaian seragam sekolah, kasut sekolah, stokin, beg galas dan alat tulis. Pelajar yang tinggal di asrama juga disediakan dengan keperluan asas lain seperti tuala dan selimut.

Memandangkan lokasi banjir SK Pos Tohoi, kit survival banjir telah diserahkan kepada wakil sekolah untuk digunakan semasa kecemasan. Kit ini terdiri daripada Kotak Kit Pertolongan Cemas, lampu suluh, selimut dan kanvas. Untuk menyiapsiagakan guru dan pelajar SK Pos Tohoi dari kecemasan dan bencana, beberapa sukarelawan UMW (UMW Community Champions) yang terlatih menjalankan Program Persiapan Sekolah (SPP). SPP adalah sebahagian daripada usaha berterusan MERCY Malaysia dalam membina daya tahan masyarakat, bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman asas mengenai konsep dan amalan pengurangan risiko bencana untuk pelajar dan guru.

Seramai 20 orang UMW Komuniti mengambil bahagian dalam program Kembali ke Sekolah yang juga termasuk gotong-royong di sekolah. Selain itu, satu sesi pendidikan dan kesedaran dijalankan untuk penduduk setempat dalam hal keadaan kecemasan seperti banjir. Selain mendapat peluang untuk kembali kepada masyarakat, para sukarelawan mendapat pandangan berharga mengenai kehidupan masyarakat di kawasan terpencil.

Para sukarelawan dan barangan sekolah diangkut dalam kenderaan 4WD kerana lokasi sekolah tidak mudah diakses oleh kenderaan biasa.

Sebagai sebuah organisasi dengan warisan melebihi 100 tahun, kami bertanggungjawab terhadap alam persekitaran dan komuniti di mana kami beroperasi, yang selama ini telah menyokong kejayaan kami. Program ini adalah sebahagian daripada usaha CSR UMW yang merangkumi tiga tunggak iaitu komuniti, pendidikan dan alam sekitar. Ini adalah sejajar dengan strategi kemampanan kumpulan UMW bagi memupuk komuniti dan masyarakat.



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